Classroom and Event AV Support


Classroom and Event AV Support provides audio-visual support for Princeton classes and University events. Their services include:

  • PA and projection set-up in non-integrated spaces​
  • Guidance on integrated system use​
  • BYOD assistance​
  • Microphone setup (lavalier, podium, panel, hand-held)​
  • Audio recording assistance​
  • Simulcasting​
  • Audio/Video support for third-party vendors​
  • Film playback assistance​
  • High-profile event assistance​
  • Webinar Support

The group maintains A/V and podium equipment in selected lecture halls, classrooms, and seminar rooms and provides portable equipment for other locations. The staff members are available to operate, troubleshoot equipment, and supervise the audio and visual needs of Princeton classes and events. 


Learning Spaces Help Line

For Immediate AV Assistance please call 609-258-2000

Classroom Search Tool

Video/Web Conferencing Account Request

All campus users have access to the “Education” level of Zoom - no separate account request is needed

All Zoom accounts will continue to require your Princeton University credentials (Your [email protected] email address and password)

Princeton Zoom Enterprise user account login:

Zoom Education offers complete interaction of up to 300 participants with both audio and video 

Equipment Checkout Form

Note: The equipment checkout service has moved to the Frist Venue Services group in the Frist Campus Center

Prospect Garden Room

Learning Space Initiative – Princeton Classrooms

Princeton has initiated a new refresh cycle for classrooms and learning spaces across campus.  The ongoing, five-year cycle includes all registrar-scheduled “A” and “B” spaces.  AV Services maintains a “living” list of the yearly classroom schedule that can be found here (Princeton Google Apps access required - Request):

"Living" Upgrade List of Classrooms

Hybrid Rooms

Here is an excellent link to planning and managing hybrid events.